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Konicek, Melissa

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Class Rules

by Melissa Konicek

August 15, 2017

1. Late Papers

All assignments must be turned in at the beginning of class on the day they are due.  Students may turn in assignments by the beginning of the next class period with a loss of points.  Late papers will automatically be dropped to a 70% and grading will begin from there.  A student will have until the next class period to get the assignment in with some credit.  If it is not turned in a the beginning of the next class meeting, the student will receive a zero on the assignment.   

Students who are excused will have two school days to make up the work for full credit.  Once the two days is exceeded the assignment will not be accepted.

2. Tardiness

The bell indicates that it is time for class to start. If you are not in your seat when the bell rings, you will be counted at tardy. The student handbook reads that after 3 tardies the students will be required to serve a 30 minute detention for each tardy. (Student Handbook page 4)

3. Encore

You are required to come in for encore if you have below a "C" average in any given week. When you have below a "C" you are required to come in from 3:25 pm to 3:55 pm each day that week. If you do not show up for encore you will be required to serve a 30 minute detention for each day you miss. DO NOT schedule any appointments or activities until after this time. You will not be allowed to leave early. (Student Handbook page18)

4. Grading Procedures

Tests will count as 70% of the student's overall grade for the course.  All other work (worksheets, projects, current events, etc) will be counted as 30% of the grade.  Test can be corrected if the student is in good standing in the class.  This means that they have turned in all their homework, have not skipped encore on purpose, and are putting forth effort in the class.  Corrections will be at the discretion of the teacher.

5. Notes

In this class you will be required to take notes. These notes should be used by the students in preparation for the tests over the chapters or units. Plan ahead for assignments.

Don't put things off until the last minute. Be organized and prepared.

6. Absences

If you are absent from class you have TWO days to make up the work after you get back.

7. Cell Phones

Cell phones are not to be used or on while in class.  They are not to be out during class time. There is a tote in the classroom that they will be stored during class.

8. Misc.

Be prepared for class. Bring pens/pencils with you.

Please keep the lines of communication open. Feel free to come and talk to me anytime about concerns or difficulties you are having in the class. It is up to you to get the extra help you need.

9. Classroom Management Plan


In the event that expectations for classroom behavior are not being met, the following plan will be implemented.

1. Use proximity to change behavior

2. Verbal Warning

3. Private conversations with student

4. Teacher Detention, parents may be contacted

5. School Detention, parents contacted

6. Office referral

*Some situations may necessitate immediate office referral, depending on the nature of the incident.


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